
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.3;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC20/IERC20Upgradeable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "../interfaces/IVault.sol";
import "../interfaces/IPortfolio.sol";
import "./OrderBooks.sol";
import "./TradePairs.sol";
import "../library/Bytes32Library.sol";
import "../library/StringLibrary.sol";

contract Vault is ReentrancyGuard, IVault {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
    using StringLibrary for string;
    using Bytes32Library for bytes32;

    struct Position {
        uint256 size;
        uint256 collateral;
        uint256 averagePrice;
        uint256 entryFundingRate;
        uint256 reserveAmount;
        int256 realisedPnl;

    uint256 public constant BASIS_POINTS_DIVISOR = 10000;
    uint256 public constant FUNDING_RATE_PRECISION = 1000000;
    uint256 public constant PRICE_PRECISION = 10 ** 30;
    uint256 public constant MIN_LEVERAGE = 10000; // 1x
    uint256 public constant MAX_FEE_BASIS_POINTS = 500; // 5%
    uint256 public constant MAX_LIQUIDATION_FEE_USD = 100 * PRICE_PRECISION; // 100 USD
    uint256 public constant MIN_FUNDING_RATE_INTERNAL = 1 hours;
    uint256 public constant MAX_FUNDING_RATE_FACTOR = 10000; // 1 %

    bool public isInitialized;
    bool public isMintingEnabled = false;

    address public router;

    uint256 public marginFeeBasisPoints = 10; // 0.1 %

    uint256 public maxGasPrice;
    mapping(address => uint256) public feeReserves;
    bool public includeAmmPrice = true;

    mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) public approvedRouters;

    mapping (address => uint256) public minProfitBasisPoints;

    // tokenBalances is used only to determin _transferIn values
    mapping (address => uint256) public tokenBalances;

    mapping (address => uint256) public override cumulativeFundingRates;
    mapping (address => uint256) public lastFundingTimes;

    mapping (bytes32 => Position) public positions;
    event UpdatePnl(bytes32 key, bool hasProfit, uint256 delta);
    event CollectMarginFees(bytes32 tradePairId, uint256 feeUsd, uint256 feeTokens);

    event IncreasePosition(
        bytes32 key,
        address account,
        bytes32 tradePairId,
        uint256 collateralDelta,
        uint256 sizeDelta,
        bool isLong,
        uint256 price,
        uint256 fee

    event DecreasePosition(
        bytes32 key,
        address account,
        address collateralToken,
        address indexToken,
        uint256 collateralDelta,
        uint256 sizeDelta,
        bool isLong,
        uint256 price,
        uint256 fee

    event LiquidatePosition(
        bytes32 key,
        address account,
        address collateralToken,
        address indexToken,
        bool isLong,
        uint256 size,
        uint256 collateral,
        uint256 reserveAmount,
        int256 realisedPnl,
        uint256 markPrice

    event UpdatePosition(
        bytes32 key,
        uint256 size,
        uint256 collateral,
        uint256 averagePrice,
        uint256 entryFundingRate,
        uint256 reserveAmount,
        int256 realisedPnl

    event ClosePosition(
        bytes32 key,
        uint256 size,
        uint256 collateral,
        uint256 averagePrice,
        uint256 entryFundingRate,
        uint256 reserveAmount,
        int256 realisedPnl
    event IncreaseReservedAmount(address token, uint256 amount);
    event DecreaseReservedAmount(address token, uint256 amount);

    OrderBooks private orderBooks;
    IPortfolio private portfolio;
    TradePairs private tradePairs;

    constructor(address _orderBooks, address _portfolio, address _tradePairs) {
        orderBooks = OrderBooks(_orderBooks);
        tradePairs = TradePairs(_tradePairs);
        portfolio = IPortfolio(_portfolio);

    function increasePosition(address _account, bytes32 _tradePairId, uint256 _sizeDelta, bool _isLong) external override nonReentrant {
        bytes32 key = getPositionKey(_account, _tradePairId, _isLong);
        Position storage position = positions[key];
        (uint256 price, address collateralToken) = getIncreasePrice(_tradePairId, _isLong);
        if (position.size == 0) {
            position.averagePrice = price;

        if (position.size > 0 && _sizeDelta > 0) {
            position.averagePrice = getNextAveragePrice(position.size, position.averagePrice, _isLong, price, _sizeDelta);

        uint256 fee = _collectMarginFees(_tradePairId, _sizeDelta, price);
        uint256 collateralDelta = _transferIn(collateralToken);
        position.collateral = position.collateral.add(collateralDelta);
        require(position.collateral >= fee, "Vault: insufficient collateral for fees");

        position.collateral = position.collateral.sub(fee);
        feeReserves[collateralToken] = feeReserves[collateralToken].add(fee);
        // position.entryFundingRate = cumulativeFundingRates[_collateralToken];
        position.size = position.size.add(_sizeDelta);

        require(position.size > 0, "Vault: invalid position.size");
        // // reserves tokens to pay profits on the position
        uint256 reserveDelta = usdToToken(_tradePairId, _sizeDelta, price);
        position.reserveAmount = position.reserveAmount.add(reserveDelta);

    function getIncreasePrice(bytes32 _tradePairId, bool _isLong) internal view returns (uint256, address) {
        bytes32 baseSymbol = tradePairs.getSymbol(_tradePairId, true);
        IERC20Upgradeable collateralToken = portfolio.getToken(baseSymbol);
        bytes32 _buyBookId = string(abi.encodePacked(_tradePairId.bytes32ToString(), '-BUYBOOK')).stringToBytes32();
        bytes32 _sellBookId = string(abi.encodePacked(_tradePairId.bytes32ToString(), '-SELLBOOK')).stringToBytes32();
        uint256 price = _isLong ? orderBooks.first(_sellBookId) : orderBooks.last(_buyBookId);
        return (price, address(collateralToken));

    function getDecreasePrice(bytes32 _tradePairId, bool _isLong) internal view returns (uint256, address) {
        bytes32 baseSymbol = tradePairs.getSymbol(_tradePairId, true);
        IERC20Upgradeable collateralToken = portfolio.getToken(baseSymbol);
        bytes32 _buyBookId = string(abi.encodePacked(_tradePairId.bytes32ToString(), '-BUYBOOK')).stringToBytes32();
        bytes32 _sellBookId = string(abi.encodePacked(_tradePairId.bytes32ToString(), '-SELLBOOK')).stringToBytes32();
        uint256 price = _isLong ? orderBooks.first(_sellBookId) : orderBooks.last(_buyBookId);
        return (price, address(collateralToken));

    function decreasePosition(address _account, bytes32 _tradePairId, uint256 _collateralDelta, uint256 _sizeDelta, bool _isLong, address _receiver) external override nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
        bytes32 key = getPositionKey(_account, _tradePairId, _isLong);
        Position storage position = positions[key];
        (uint256 price, address collateralToken) = getDecreasePrice(_tradePairId, _isLong);
        require(position.size > 0, "Vault: empty position");
        require(position.collateral >= _collateralDelta, "Vault: position collateral exceeded");
            uint256 reserveDelta = position.reserveAmount.mul(_sizeDelta).div(position.size);
            position.reserveAmount = position.reserveAmount.sub(reserveDelta);

        (uint256 usdOut, uint256 usdOutAfterFee) = _reduceCollateral(key, _tradePairId, _collateralDelta, _sizeDelta, price, _isLong);
        if (position.size != _sizeDelta) {
            position.size = position.size.sub(_sizeDelta);
        } else {
            delete positions[key];
        if (usdOut > 0) {
            uint256 amountOutAfterFees = usdToToken(_tradePairId, usdOutAfterFee, price);
            _transferOut(collateralToken, amountOutAfterFees, _receiver);
            return usdOut;
        return 0;

    function getPositionKey(address _account, bytes32 _tradePairId, bool _isLong) public pure returns (bytes32) {
        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(

    function getNextAveragePrice(uint256 _size, uint256 _averagePrice, bool _isLong, uint256 _nextPrice, uint256 _sizeDelta) public view returns (uint256) {
        (bool hasProfit, uint256 delta) = getDelta(_size, _averagePrice, _nextPrice, _isLong);
        uint256 nextSize = _size.add(_sizeDelta);
        uint256 divisor;
        if (_isLong) {
            divisor = hasProfit ? nextSize.add(delta) : nextSize.sub(delta);
        } else {
            divisor = hasProfit ? nextSize.sub(delta) : nextSize.add(delta);
        return _nextPrice.mul(nextSize).div(divisor);

    function _reduceCollateral(bytes32 _positionKey, bytes32 _tradePairId, uint256 _collateralDelta, uint256 _sizeDelta, uint256 _price, bool _isLong) private returns (uint256, uint256) {
        Position storage position = positions[_positionKey];

        uint256 fee = _collectMarginFees(_tradePairId, _sizeDelta, _price);
        bool hasProfit;
        uint256 adjustedDelta;

        // scope variables to avoid stack too deep errors
            (bool _hasProfit, uint256 delta) = getDelta(position.size, position.averagePrice, _price, _isLong);
            hasProfit = _hasProfit;
            // get the proportional change in pnl
            adjustedDelta = _sizeDelta.mul(delta).div(position.size);

        uint256 usdOut;
        // transfer profits out
        if (hasProfit && adjustedDelta > 0) {
            position.collateral = position.collateral + usdToToken(_tradePairId, adjustedDelta, _price);
            position.realisedPnl = position.realisedPnl + int256(adjustedDelta);

            // pay out realised profits from the pool amount for short positions

        if (!hasProfit && adjustedDelta > 0) {
            if (position.collateral > usdToToken(_tradePairId, adjustedDelta, _price))
                position.collateral = position.collateral - usdToToken(_tradePairId, adjustedDelta, _price);
            } else {
                position.collateral = 0;
            // transfer realised losses to the pool for short positions
            // realised losses for long positions are not transferred here as
            position.realisedPnl = position.realisedPnl - int256(adjustedDelta);

        // reduce the position's collateral by _collateralDelta
        // transfer _collateralDelta out
        if (_collateralDelta > 0) {
            usdOut = usdOut.add(_collateralDelta);
            position.collateral = position.collateral.sub(usdToToken(_tradePairId, _collateralDelta, _price));

        // if the position will be closed, then transfer the remaining collateral out
        if (position.size == _sizeDelta) {
            usdOut = usdOut.add(tokenToUsd(_tradePairId, position.collateral, _price));
            position.collateral = 0;
        } else {
            usdOut = usdOut.add(tokenToUsd(_tradePairId, position.collateral*_sizeDelta/position.size, _price));
            position.collateral = position.collateral - position.collateral*_sizeDelta/position.size;

        // if the usdOut is more than the fee then deduct the fee from the usdOut directly
        // else deduct the fee from the position's collateral
        uint256 usdOutAfterFee = usdOut;
        if (usdOut > tokenToUsd(_tradePairId, fee, _price)) {
            usdOutAfterFee = usdOut.sub(tokenToUsd(_tradePairId, fee, _price));
            position.collateral = position.collateral.sub(fee);
        } else {
            usdOutAfterFee = 0;
            position.collateral = 0;

        emit UpdatePnl(_positionKey, hasProfit, adjustedDelta);

        return (usdOut, usdOutAfterFee);

    function _collectMarginFees(bytes32 _tradePairId, uint256 _sizeDelta, uint256 _price) private returns (uint256) {
        uint256 feeUsd = getPositionFee(_sizeDelta);

        // uint256 fundingFee = getFundingFee(_token, _size, _entryFundingRate);
        // feeUsd = feeUsd.add(fundingFee);
        uint256 fee = usdToToken(_tradePairId, feeUsd, _price);
        emit CollectMarginFees(_tradePairId, fee, 0);
        return fee;

    function getFundingFee(address _token, uint256 _size, uint256 _entryFundingRate) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (_size == 0) { return 0; }

        uint256 fundingRate = cumulativeFundingRates[_token].sub(_entryFundingRate);
        if (fundingRate == 0) { return 0; }

        return _size.mul(fundingRate).div(FUNDING_RATE_PRECISION);

    function getPositionFee(uint256 _sizeDelta) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (_sizeDelta == 0) { return 0; }
        uint256 afterFeeUsd = _sizeDelta.mul(BASIS_POINTS_DIVISOR.sub(marginFeeBasisPoints)).div(BASIS_POINTS_DIVISOR);
        return _sizeDelta.sub(afterFeeUsd);

    function _transferIn(address _token) private returns (uint256) {
        uint256 prevBalance = tokenBalances[_token];
        uint256 nextBalance = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
        tokenBalances[_token] = nextBalance;

        return nextBalance.sub(prevBalance);

    function _transferOut(address _token, uint256 _amount, address _receiver) private {
        IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_receiver, _amount);
        tokenBalances[_token] = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));

    function usdToToken(bytes32 _tradePairId, uint256 _amount, uint256 _price) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (_price == 0) { return 0; }
        uint8 baseDecimals = tradePairs.getDecimals(_tradePairId, true);
        return _amount * 10**baseDecimals /_price;

    function tokenToUsd(bytes32 _tradePairId, uint256 _amount, uint256 _price) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint8 baseDecimals = tradePairs.getDecimals(_tradePairId, true);
        return _amount * _price / 10 ** baseDecimals;

    function getDelta(uint256 _size, uint256 _averagePrice, uint256 _nextPrice, bool _isLong) public override view returns (bool, uint256){
        require(_averagePrice > 0, "Vault: invalid _averagePrice");
        uint256 priceDelta = _averagePrice > _nextPrice ? _averagePrice.sub(_nextPrice) : _nextPrice.sub(_averagePrice);
        uint256 delta = _size.mul(priceDelta).div(_averagePrice);

        bool hasProfit;

        if (_isLong) {
            hasProfit = _nextPrice > _averagePrice;
        } else {
            hasProfit = _averagePrice > _nextPrice;
        return (hasProfit, delta);

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